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In 2018, the Insights Discovery program was implemented within Connect, Inc (a pseudonym). This program was introduced to create a common language around communication and assist employees with understanding why they struggle to communicate with others. Connect adopted Insights Discovery without conducting a formal needs analysis.
Three years after the initial implementation of Insights Discovery, the need for a formative evaluation was identified to understand opportunities where content application and implementation can be better supported and improved. The Global Talent Development team at Connect agreed to partner with the evaluation team to conduct this program evaluation.
Chyung's 10-step evaluation procedure
Kirkpatrick’s 4-level model of evaluation
Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives
Performance Analysis
Needs Assessment
Performance Improvement
American Evaluation Association (AEA)’s guiding principles for evaluators
ISPI’s code of ethics
ISPI’s standards for performance improvement
Insights Discovery course costs approximately $107 per participant, which covers the cost of producing a unique personal profile for each participant. Since launching the program in 2018, over 1,400 (37%) of the company's current employees have completed the training. In the first two months of 2022, Connect's T&D team facilitated four Insights Discovery workshops. Participants' informal feedback is positive, but Connect has yet to collect formal feedback regarding return on investment (ROI) and how it can be improved to be more effective.
The goal of this formative evaluation is to identify areas for improvement. The client confirmed that the evaluation findings would be used to:
Obtain data on whether participants can apply what is taught in the Insights Discovery Program.
Identify where there may be gaps in applying the concepts taught
Identify strategies to reinforce and/or follow up to help with the content application.
Insights Discovery course costs approximately $107 per participant, which covers the cost of producing a unique personal profile for each participant. Since launching the program in 2018, over 1,400 (37%) of the company's current employees have completed the training. In the first two months of 2022, Connect's T&D team facilitated four Insights Discovery workshops. Participants' informal feedback is positive, but Connect has yet to collect formal feedback regarding return on investment (ROI) and how it can be improved to be more effective.
Three facilitators within Connect are certified, through Insights, to deliver the training. It is their responsibility to maintain and provide the course and workshop content.
The direct impactees are the teams that have attended the course or follow-up workshops within the Insights Discovery Program. Since Connect has implemented the Insights Discovery Program, over 1,400 employees have participated in the training. In 2021 alone, there were 645 direct impactees.
The client is the Vice President of Talent Development for Connect. She is responsible for ensuring the benefits of the Insights Discovery Program for Contact. The three facilitators and the financial management of Insights Discovery fall under her mandate.
The indirect impactees interact with the participants who have attended the Insights Discovery Program. These individuals could be other internal team members within or external to their department, members of leadership, or external customers.
The evaluation team employed an evidence-based 10 - step evaluation process (Chyung,2019) to conduct the identification, planning, and implementation phases of the project. (See Figure 1)
Insights Discovery course costs approximately $107 per participant, which covers the cost of producing a unique personal profile for each participant. Since launching the program in 2018, over 1,400 (37%) of the company's current employees have completed the training. In the first two months of 2022, Connect's T&D team facilitated four Insights Discovery workshops. Participants' informal feedback is positive, but Connect has yet to collect formal feedback regarding return on investment (ROI) and how it can be improved to be more effective.